Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in D:\_Web\OK-ABC\newslist.php on line 31

Notice: Undefined variable: lnkdb in D:\_Web\OK-ABC\newslist.php on line 47

Notice: Undefined index: SCHOOL in D:\_Web\OK-ABC\newslist.php on line 49

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in D:\_Web\OK-ABC\newslist.php on line 49

Notice: Undefined index: SCHOOL in D:\_Web\OK-ABC\newslist.php on line 50

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in D:\_Web\OK-ABC\newslist.php on line 50

Notice: Undefined index: SCHOOL in D:\_Web\OK-ABC\newslist.php on line 50

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in D:\_Web\OK-ABC\newslist.php on line 50

Notice: Undefined index: SCHOOL in D:\_Web\OK-ABC\newslist.php on line 50

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in D:\_Web\OK-ABC\newslist.php on line 50

Notice: Undefined index: USER in D:\_Web\OK-ABC\newslist.php on line 51

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in D:\_Web\OK-ABC\newslist.php on line 51

Notice: Undefined index: USER in D:\_Web\OK-ABC\newslist.php on line 52

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in D:\_Web\OK-ABC\newslist.php on line 52
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 系統公告 (系統公告)2012/02/13 AM 06:00 已開機-(系統中心) 2012-02-13
 系統公告 系統升級開放校內版功能及申請方式-(系統中心) 2012-02-08
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 系統公告 (系統公告)2012/02/13 AM 03:00 停機改版-(系統中心) 2012-02-01
 系統公告 系統預計23日23:50分~24日00:10 停機改版-(系統中心) 2012-02-01
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 系統公告 天然災害停止辦公及上課情形 -(系統中心) 2012-01-26
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